Friends of Mary Carroll Wetland

About Mary Carroll Wetland

Mary Carroll Wetland is located in Gosnells and can be accessed from Eudoria Street. Mary Carroll Wetland was named in 1971 in honour of Mrs Mary Carroll, a well-known teacher at the nearby Gosnells Primary School.

Mary Carroll Wetland is a major breeding wetland. It supports large numbers of water birds, songbirds, reptiles, turtles and a reservoir of wetland flora. Mary Carroll Wetland is a ‘Bush Forever’ Site and is internationally recognised.


Car park (Eudoria Street, Gosnells), recreational area, playground, gas barbecues, universal toilets and paths.
May Street hub – parking and seating.

Contact Details

Unice Robinson
0434 831 230
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Fo Mary Carroll Wetland Brochure

Friends of Mary Carroll Wetland

The Friends of Mary Carroll Wetland help to look after the lake and surrounding environment. The aim of the group is to – rehabilitate, preserve and maintain the natural environment of Mary Carroll Wetland for the benefit and well being of the natural flora and fauna.

Their objectives are – to promote community awareness, liaise with City of Gosnells and other relevant bodies to increase community involvement by Education, displays and practical means.

The Groups activities include

  • Revegetation
  • Weed control
  • Education
  • Litter clean up
  • Seed collecting
  • Turtle watch
  • Frog watch
  • Yellow fish drain strenciling
  • Walks

Meetings, Activities and Field Days

Group work days – Monday 8 – 11am and Thursday 8.30 – 11.30am.
Mary Carroll Wetland is a large area and we work all around the wetland – please contact Unice on 0434 831 230 to check where we will be working.

Birdwatching – Easy access from Eudoria Street car park. The best time to view waterbirds is 7-9am and 5-8pm as this is when most are feeding. 37 water birds and 32 song birds have been recorded including migratory birds – eg. Rainbow Bee-eater, Tattler.

Eco walks and Talks run from September – December. Gold coin donation. Registration essential City of Gosnells 93973000

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