Birds of the Perth Hills
Birds of the Perth Hills
By Talitha Huston
$24.99 inc gst + postage
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About the book:
“Birds are plentiful and common in the Perth Hills. They are found in backyards, bushland, rivers and lakes. These birds thrive, living in the Jarrah-Marri forest, a type of Eucalyptus Forest, found only in the South-West of Western Australia. These birds range from Honeyeaters to Cockatoos, Wrens, Pigeons, Thornbills and many more. This book is not only an identification and information guide, but also includes photography tips for each bird.”
About the author (2021)
This is Talitha’s second book. She has also co-authored a book called Healthy Snacks. She started writing Birds of the Perth Hills at the age of 14 and finished it when she was 16. She then gifted the book to her parents for Christmas, they having been totally unaware of its production. She has not only written and designed the book, but had taken all the photographs and hand painted the background design and maps. Talitha is an avid ‘birdo’, video maker and surfer.
Bibliographic information
Title: Birds of the Perth Hills Region: A Photographers Guide
Author: Talitha Huston
Editors: Eric McCrum, Deb Wilson
Publisher: none, 2021
ISBN 0645064408, 9780645064407