Project: Urban Waterways Renewal – Bannister Creek
Location: Bannister Creek from Acacia Place in Lynwood to Hybanthus Road in Ferndale
Project description/Scope:
The Urban Waterways Renewal project had a multimillion dollar investment that consisted of 11 sub-projects aimed at reducing nutrients and pollutants entering the Swan Canning Riverpark. A project of this scale has to be managed on multiple levels. The Bannister Creek subproject design involved liaising with the local community, the local council, the indigenous community, hydraulic engineers and interested stakeholders. The project required approval through the Water Corporation, Department of Environment and Conservation, the indigenous community and the local council. The on ground work involved the removal of significant infestations of Blackberry, Morning Glory, Arundo and Willows; followed by the reestablishment of the native
floodplain communities.
Throughout the three year project there was continual liaison with the local community and the multiple stakeholders. The outcome of the project was a complete transformation of the waterway. Residents and stakeholders have expressed their appreciation of the outcome of the work.
This was a commitment by the Australian Government as part of the Water for the Future – National Water Security Plan for Cities and Towns program. SERCUL was seen as an organisation with the required range of skills and ability to liaise with the multiple levels of government agency and community stakeholders.
The project was successfully managed through a constant effort in liaison and stakeholder inclusion in the project. An intimate understanding of natural systems and the ecology of the site guided the project through the various stages of weed removal, earthworks and restoration.