Bush Tucker Plants
Bush Tucker Plants for your Home Garden
The use of Bush Tucker plants in home, school and community gardens is becoming more and more common. Bush Tucker plants are local native plants that have been used by local Aboriginal people for many thousands of years. While we generally call them ‘Bush Tucker’ plants they quite often were used for things other than food or “tucker”. Many plants were used seasonally for medicine or as a resource to make something.
The local Noongar people of the South West of Western Australia have six seasons – Birak (December, January), Bunuru (February, March), Djeran (April, May), Makuru (June, July), Djilba (August, September) and Kambarang (October, November). The Noongar people traditionally spent the summer months along the coast and the winter months inland using plants that were in season along the way.
Bush Tucker Fact Sheets
Below are some fact sheets and a brochure about common (and not so common) Bush Tucker plants that can be grown in the Perth region. Most of the plants are local natives to Perth and/or the South West and were used by the Noongar people. Others are well known Australian Bush Tucker plants.
Bush Tucker Plants for your home garden brochure
Bush Tucker Plant Fact Sheets (document with all Fact Sheets from below)
Click here to find out where you can buy bush tucker plants
*Please note SERCUL does not sell plants.
Local Native to the South West of Western Australia
Please Note – Do not prepare bush tucker food without having been shown by Aboriginal or other experienced persons. Some bush tucker (ie. Zamia) if eaten in large quantities or not prepared correctly can cause illness.
Please click on each plant icon to download the Fact Sheet.